100% with you! I've actually talked about this on IG a lot 🙃 you have to be one-dimensional online in order to "grow". If you show more than one of your interests you "confuse" your audience because they don't know what to expect. Omg. Poor people! How will they cope! 😂 It's something that has frustrated me for years but I can't play along. I am not one dimensional IRL so I can't be it online either. Physically impossible to do. I did at one point make a separate photographer page but that annoys me to hell and back. I prefer one account, one place where I can share whatever I like, whenever I feel, like a playground. Let's keep shrinking our IG and being ourselves 😂

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💯 to everything you expressed! It sucks. I can't tell if people want more narrow-minded content or if it's simply algorithmic design that's pushing us this way. Likely, a combination of both. Outrage and tribalistic posts perform best, indicating people like to see more of what they already agree with or are offended by (go figure 🫠). Perhaps these platforms are simply serving human nature its desires.

Yet I know many people who actively search for nuanced and multiple perspectives. They like following multi-media artists and multi-faceted podcasts hosts *because* they love the different rabbit holes they get to fall down by following a whole person whose mind they find interesting!

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Thank you for this post!! It's timing is spot on as I am in process of doing deep research on exactly this issue. What approach to use and whether a "good authentic story" will actually hit the mark. My worst frustration is being bombarded by the algorythm with people cashing in on this single question of "what to do to grow your account. They claim their success is on their "recipe" they discovered or follow - in the mean time their ONLY reason for success is them linking to the basic question of "how to create a profile that will grow". If they apply their recipe to any other question or subject or product I can almost guarantee it will not work.

So we all sit with the same issue! The only answer I find workable is to have authenticity in marketing a single "product/service/niche" as consistently as possible. And then not expect to go viral as our output will simply will not appeal to the masses. How to target and actually get our effort to end up in front of our target market is a completely different issue nowadays. And I don't think there is an answer for that...

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