I appreciate your brave words.

I follow and read you because you have demonstrated an ability to both clearly state your perspective and to fearlessly address difficult, and often unpopular, topics.

Most importantly, though, you rigorously and diligently examine *all* the facets of the topic, including those ignored or actively avoided in the press, on social media, in personal spaces.

I don't agree with everything you've brought up here, but there is much here that I hadn't before considered, and this has given me much to think about.

Thank you for your honesty, and for your rigorous and conscientious research.

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Thank you for pointing out how important it is to recognize the complexity of controversial issues and how expressing intolerance for people with different ideas is the same kind of coercive control used by abusive cults. These days, it is so important to strive to disagree with someone's ideas and morals without condemning the person themselves.

Whenever I think that the world is becoming (or already was) a place of militant intolerance, I remind myself that the people who spread intolerance are the vocal minority that enjoy conflict. I look around my office or the grocery store and realize that most people wouldn't respond with intolerance or shunning.

I think that most people will see your nuanced approach. However, you will surely be attacked by loud conflict-seekers from both sides that find issue with some of your words. I hope that the majority of people who read this article will take the time to show you their support so the cacophony of intolerance is diluted or even overwhelmed by the sound of compassion.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Wow. I appreciate your words. I struggle with the erasure of the feminine divine a lot. Female power is so so powerful. It’s sad to me that teenage girls don’t understand that. I have two young people in my life that as teenagers don’t want to be female anymore. I also know two young people that since they were born (or could talk) have told their parents they are girls. It seems they are two different situations to me.

After growing, birthing, and nursing four lovely boys, I struggle with the movement from talking about breastfeeding to chest feeding. However, all humans have breast tissue, can we just keep calling it breastfeeding? Males can develop BREAST cancer. I’m just a birther, nothing special, anyone can do it. I really feel like my story doesn’t matter anymore. The story that from the time I was young I wanted to be a mom, that I am so unabashedly feminine, that I never secretly desired to be a man, ever. That I am a caretaker, and love it. Being my boys mom is the best thing. If I mention all this in our progressive circle, it’s worse than a curse word. I know this isn’t ALL relevant, but I agree with you. I appreciate your references and the nuance this requires.

All humans deserve love, compassion, respect, period. Agree.

PS Listening to Wayword, and I had to DM you because it spoke to my exvangelical soul. 💗

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Fundamentalist thinkers want us to so often toe the line of an ideology to the greatest extreme possible. Those who deviate are frequently demonized for various reasons.

Freethinkers are cautionary about such extremes and it's clear from your article that your aim is to embrace nuance.

Thank you for your thoughts, Alice.

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I will admit, first, that I have not done much of my own thinking regarding JK Rowling's statements. In fact, I haven't actually read them. Instead, I have relinquished that responsibility to Twitter influencers, whom I thought were doing the "work" I wasn't. I don't know whether I was being lazy or too trusting in the voices I listened to. It's most likely both things at the same time.

You make very compelling arguments; arguments I had not considered, and you are very brave to make them. As you say, those who want to believe you are transphobic are not likely going to read this thoroughly, or at all, to understand the nuance.

I'm particularly struck by JK Rowling's tweets in which she states she supports trans-women's rights. Yet, there is no weight given to these statements. I suppose you have a similar experience.

Thank you for this well-sourced, well-researched, thought provoking blog. You are a gifted writer. I hope you've changed some minds.

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Your writing was a pleasure to read, as always.

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Brilliant work once again, my bright, beautiful friend 🤍

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Wow. The time, effort, and meticulous care you put into these words is stunning and inspirational. I resonate with these thoughts. Thank-you for the sacrificeI know it has taken to write on these nuances and valuable topics.

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