Photo by Ryan Essmaker

For people who like to think too hard.

I’m Alice Greczyn, an author, actress, and the founder of Dare to Doubt. I write narrative essays — now with audio versions in a podcast — on cultural shifts, personal reflections, and deconstructing dogma in and outside of religion.

I like to imagine my pieces provoking thoughtful discussion and rousing debate around chandelier-lit tables of hearty meal and merry drink. Could I time-travel, I’d be an 18th-century salonnière — a woman who hosted gatherings of bright minds for the sole purpose of intellectual rigor. These Enlightenment Era salons facilitated the expansion of art, philosophy, and science. The continued expansion of these is what I hope to contribute here through the proffering of my own thoughts.

The symbol for freethought is the pansy. That’s why I’ve chosen this flower as the logo for Unaccountable, an emblem embodying inquiry over intimidation, doubt over dogma, and courage over conformity. If this stirs you, let’s be unaccountable together.

~ Alice

P.S. This newsletter is free.

If you’ve followed my writing for a while, you know how much research I put into each piece. If you’d like to contribute to my costs (paywalled academic papers, news subscriptions, image licensing, etc.), I would be so deeply grateful. Thank you!

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Ponderings for freethinkers and nuance enthusiasts, featuring narrative essays, backed-up opinion pieces, and candid musings from Alice Greczyn.


Actress and author of op-eds and true tales.